Tips for hanging personalised canvas prints

Many people want to create custom designs for their home not just as a way of saving money but also as a way of having a greater control on the themes, colors and motifs. Personalised canvas prints in UK can help a lot in this. Now that you will be doing everything, there are several things you should watch out for, from selecting what you and your whole family likes, considering the function of each of the prints to positioning your prints to bring out a positive light of the room. You realize that it is important to order canvas prints after doing adequate research to determine which ones add symbolism, pay tribute to your loved ones and family, and create the right mood and atmosphere that you believe in. If you are asking about the functional aspects, then order canvas prints that have colors that match other room components depending on whether you want to end up with a calming, relaxed or serious mood. Home offices might work well with dark blue prints because they make the room look more professional and serious. Yellow colors are great for living rooms because they create calming effects. Red is, as you know, invigorating.

Here are some advice on how to go about positioning and hanging your canvas prints.

1. Position them in unusual places: Many believe that the only place to hang a canvas print is on a single wall painted to emphasize the print's color or content. Not so. There are unusual places you can hand or position the print and it will stand out even better. For instance, order canvas prints and place several of them over an indoor balcony railing. You can also place one piece under glass or over your coffee table and in your kitchen. Just exercise your imagination and test with various room designs. Personalized canvas prints are great conversation starters when hang or placed on unusual places.

2. Bring out the room with a positive light: It depends with the size of the room and the desired end effect: you can create a feeling of a complete room by placing personalised canvas prints on mantles, book shelves, windowsills and tables by utilizing as much horizontal space as possible. Make sure there is some continuity between what is waist high and below to what is eye level or above. This is achieved by hanging canvas prints upon the wall in small groups or hanging only a single piece. The room will have a sense of wholeness. The room can appear larger if you placed art on the floor, although that can be a little bit tricky.

3. Add symbolism and tribute: We talked about hanging on walls and placing on equipment or in various rooms, but ensure that you achieve the overall purpose of using the prints. There is nothing wrong with having your prints achieve more than one purpose. This is done by careful selection of photos and this is where use of personalized canvas printing tricks should really work magic. For instance, you can use graduation collages and paintings of ancestors to memorize loved ones. However, it is necessary to first have color correction of your photos, and you can engage a professional photographer or do it yourself.

You also need to understand which prints you and your family will be comfortable with for years.